Have gone to my Onco. She requested for my blood chem exams which includes test for uric acid level. She didn’t warn me about fasting. Nevertheless, I abstained after dinner just to be sure. Meaning, I didn’t have anything in my mouth since 9pm until the time I was in the extraction room the next morning. Perhaps she considered I already knew. But there were too many kinds of blood tests being done to me before which makes it hard to remember which one needed fasting. Now, only few blood details are needed which includes CEA and CA 15-3; the test for tumor counts. Actually, I was the one who asked for these coz I was alarmed by the slight increase in the tumor count as seen in the last result. Although my Onco has assured me that there’s nothing to worry about since it’s still within normal level, I’m still bothered by the change. So she agreed. Maybe just to pacify me.
I was at the hospital lab early last Friday. But there were too many patients ahead of me. When my number was called in the extraction room, it was already 11:00 AM. The Med tech asked it I did my fasting. I answered yes. But when she learned about the lenght of time I fasted, she declined to go on with the blood extraction. It’s been way too long, she said. My uric acid had shoot up for sure. The time required for fasting is only 6 hours. But the tests for CEA and CA 15-3 need no fasting so I went on with it.
The abdominal ultrasound, which I thought was due wasn’t due yet. My Onco wants me to have it on the actual sched which is next month. I mentioned the pains I have once in a while in my right side abdomen. She advised that I observe it first. If it persists and is severe, I can come back to her. But if not, I'd go through the normal sched of this lab exam. Fortunately, I don’t feel the pain anymore. Nonetheless, am still keeping watch on it.
The Med tech handled the extraction expertly. Didn't feel the needle at all. |
I haven’t obtained the results yet. Still praying it'll be good.