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It’s freaking hot summer here! I asked hubby if we can avail the use of their company’s condo unit in Caylabne Bay Resort once again. But it isn’t available yet. It was one of their privileges being in the managerial position. We terribly miss the beautiful beach resort. You see for more than ten years, we were like one of those rich tourists who frequent the posh resort anytime we wanted to. We could spend nights and days on the company’s huge condo unit with complete amenities and nothing to worry about but our own food. This resort is actually a 4 star resort (if I’m not mistaken) and is quite expensive. Nonetheless, as I’ve mentioned, it was like we have our very own place in
Caylabne Bay Resort as seen from the top winding road.
Since everyone here at home wanted to hit the beach last Sunday, we drove once again not to my desired resort that is Caylabne but Sun Moon in Bagac,
As usual, my sis and her family joined us. It was a whole day of fun as always!
Posted by Ciela at 8:27 AM 11 comments
Labels: Bagac beach, Caylabne Bay Resort
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I am still tied up with my ongoing repair project here at home. So glad the roof is completely done. It is now brand new! The dark red colored long span roofing looks pretty good. The roofing insulation brings a remarkable cool comfort inside the house. I feel a bit content realizing that my first and foremost goal is now accomplished. There’s practically, no more roof top climbing for me though my presence is still needed to supervise the remaining two workers.
Last Wednesday, I caught my friend L by the phone. It has been eons since we two, saw each other. She’s been too busy too with lots of things and like me, I found out, she wanted some time to unwind. Initially, she wanted us to go to the resort near our place and go swimming. But after realizing that we both don’t have cars to drive, we just proceeded to the SM Mall nearby and had a buffet dinner at Tong Yang Restaurant. It was one of the most satisfying buffet meal I ever had.
Unfortunately, Lady luck seemed to snub us that time. I forgot to bring my cam and friend L had hers but the battery was uncharged. Good thing we were able to snap few shots before it went pfft. The only problem now is, she hasn’t uploaded the photos yet as she is back to her busy self. Maybe I could just post them as soon as I have them.
(And here's the update as of Sunday, March 21 and edited further on Monday, March 22.)
It’s TGIF once again! I hope everybody will have a great weekend. Keep smilin', it cost you nothin'!
Whenever there’s a Weekend Sale that takes place in the big mall near our place, I always make an effort not to miss some good deals. As much as possible, I try to be at the mall on its opening time just to avoid the surge of the big crowd. I have already experienced squeezing myself in within those crammed full shopping ground only to grab my long desired pair of shoes and some other personal stuff at a very irresistible discounted prices. There’s no denying that I get extremely delighted getting big discounts on items that I shopped though it comes with much effort and lots of struggles.
Just recently, I learned that I could also indulge in bargain shopping without wasting time and effort brawling my way in a crowded mall. I discovered, a website that gives away savings coupons for online shoppers. If you happen to be in
Despite being occupied with a quite laborious project, I was able to sneak and surf the internet. I suddenly realized how I miss being in front of the television and being just a couch potato. Thus, yesterday, I tried surfing the channels instead. It was late afternoon and seemed that not much programs caught my attention. I then thought of maybe there is a need for me to upgrade to a higher plan from my cable provider (or even change tv service provider) for me to enjoy watching tv again. After three or four rounds of browsing through the tv channels, I found myself again in front of my laptop and started searching about cable providers for better options.
After a few clicks, I landed on, a website that caters to the television needs. It provides selections for Direct TV HD Channels, access to Direct TV Specials, or the best in local TV programming. Found on the site as well as money-saving promotions depending on the package it offers. Moreover, the site can also provide list of options for its new customers that will best satisfy personal television preference. To accomplish this, all you need to do is click your state so that the site can provide you the channels available within the location and from there you could choose your channel preferences. It is at the bottom of the page where you can click on links like Direct TV NY and Direct TV FL and you can start from there.
Television still offers one the best pleasures in life and, in getting your TV service providers, you must know well what you want to have on your tv and learn about the best deals for you for every penny be really worth it.
Last week, searching for the right gift for my S-i-l added to my busy schedule. I ran to the nearby mall to shop for a nice kitchenware or at least a good quality flatware to give as our wedding gift for her. But as I was about to pick a heavy duty stainless steel kitchenware, I got fickle minded. I remembered she already has a complete set which she is currently using. Instead, I thought of getting a beautifully hand painted stoneware like the lovely ones I’ve seen in Food Network but I couldn’t find it in the mall. After a lengthy confusion on what to give, I finally decided to hand her the very safe Cash gift!
The wedding took off last Sunday, February 28. It was the second for Sil (which actually should be the third for her) and the first for her new husband who’s got two kids. Sil’s love life is like a roller coaster with high’s and low’s. Her brief first marriage with the father of her two sons wasn’t smooth sailing until he just disappeared and never resurfaced again. After 8 years or so, she found a new man, lived with him and had a love child. Sadly though, they parted ways. Now that the three children are all adults and have lives of their own, she consented to her present boyfriend’s proposal of marriage. Hence the blissful civil wedding cum reunion with all nephews and nieces and grandchildren last Sunday.. The occasion was held at Kowloon Restaurant in
I hope your are having a great day! Keep smiling, it cost you nothing!
The on-going house repair is eating much of my time. I was promised at least 8 days time table to finish the roof replacement but it’s already one week now and only halfway yet. I realized how important it is for me to keep an eye on the works being done. As of this afternoon, I climbed to the roof top to check what has been completed so far. The long span pieces of roofing materials were all in place. I crawled underneath the roof and into the ceiling to check the supporting trusses but what I saw was the inaccurate leveling of the gutter. I’m dismayed by the inaccuracy of level measurement but the foreman insisted otherwise. Annoyed, I poured water on it to see if I’m wrong. Alas, the water hardly flowed! Duh! I couldn’t hide my impatience…
Tomorrow, that crooked gutter would eat their time again instead of moving on to another section. It’s actually a small house repair thing but the task apparently needs a stern supervision. I have yet to see how far I could stretch my tolerance. Maybe for another blunder more? I don’t know!
Thank you so much for always dropping by even if I got no time visiting you. Anyway, I will try my best to update and visit your sites as much as I could..
Have a blessed day, everyone!
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