What to pack for your holiday at the Costa del Sol
Hooray! You've booked a last minute holiday to the Costa del Sol. Boo! You have to pack. Surely the worst part of any holiday (apart from coming home, of course) is the packing. No need to do a frantic panic-pack ten minutes before the taxi arrives or pick up lots of overpriced toiletries when you land at the airport - just make sure you've packed everything in our handy guide and it'll be a breeze!
Obviously the majority of your suitcase will be clothing. If you’re
going on a summer holiday, you’ll need lots of light layers and
beachwear for lounging on the Costa del Sol’s swathes of white beaches.
Several light layers, such as kaftans and loose t-shirts, will be much
more effective at keeping you cool than one thicker layer, which will
stick to your skin and make you uncomfortably sticky. Flip flops and
sandals are ideal for beach strolls, and remember to pack some
comfortable trainers for driving your hire car and long walks around tourist sites.
In terms of toiletries, you’ll need all the usual essentials: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothpaste. Although the hotel may provide these, it’s often in such small amounts that you may need to supplement it with your own. Also think about taking a heat protective spray for your hair and a deep conditioner to repair sun-ravaged and sea salt blitzed hair. Of course, suncream is a must – at least factor 15, or higher if you’re pale.
Remember to take some more of the practical items, such as a beach towel, travel adaptors and various medicines. The ones you’re most likely to need include painkillers, mosquito repellent and rehydration sachets in case you’ve overdone it a bit in the sun, along with antihistamines if you suffer with hay fever or from insect bites. A pouch for your travel currency which you wear on your body is the best way to keep your cash safe on the move. Don’t forget to take your phone charger!
In the way of entertainment, an mp3 player and a book should be all you need. If you want something a little more stimulating, a puzzle book and a pen will keep you occupied on the plane. If you’re travelling with children, some toys or activity books can keep them busy while you’re on the move. A couple of snacks and drinks would also be a good idea in case there are delays so you don’t go hungry.
Of course, the most important thing to take, after your passport, tickets and money, is a willingness to explore, relax and have fun. Bon voyage!
About the author:
Emma Lawson is a travel blogger writing about her experiences in Europe
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