An evening of rockin’ and rollin’
Peking duck cooked further for lettuce wrapping..
Peking duck to be wrapped in lettuce.
Wrapped with hoisin sauce
All about food, travel and general topics.
A couple of days already had passed but I’m still into the Valentine thingy! Maybe because it quickly slipped away without any fanfare for me at all. For many years that went by, I don’t remember a single Valentine’s Day that wasn’t observed by us, meaning, hubby and me. Alright then, I have to state clearly that it was for the reason that we were usually with our couple friends; we are one gang composed of couples who enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day together. We would go dining out in some cozy restos, have fun in music bar, or simply go videoke singing in whoever’s place is available and have potluck party.
Few days before the special day, Feb. 14, our friend E, was asking where’d we gonna spend the coming Valentine’s Day. She is our coordinator with regards to the gang’s get-togethers. I told her that we have plans of going to Tagaytay with our Niece-in-law and the other in-laws family this time. And so, I guess, E herself went with her own personal date with her hubby. Hence, no valentine celebration came up for the gang.
The night before V-day, N-i-l sent text message inquiring if we will push through the Tagaytay plan. Daughter made known her reluctance, expressing her concern that Tagaytay would be fully jam-packed. It was seconded by hubby and son so by those hesitations, the plan went pfft.
In lieu of the Tagaytay outing, hubby gave a consolation to dine out to the nearby Chinese Resto instead. Since it was set at dinner time, he went out to bike and promised to be back early. But what do you know?! You think he came back early? Nah, the biker arrived 7:30 pm! The big kiddos were by now grouchy. “Pa, do you think we could still find a vacant table in the resto by this time?” the girl complained. Our excitement to go out has vanished. And again, another plan got aborted. But my mind was set. I’m not gonna cook! Already starving perhaps, son stood up and took over the stove. Weeeee! His cuisine? Sauteed corned beef fresh from tin can with matching fried hotdogs and all the left-overs he found in the ref! Yikes? 'Tis not! For me, it was a considerably special dinner coz it was prepared by son while I had fun time in front of tv. ha ha!
The gang in one of those Valentine's Day Get-together.
That's how we had our Valentine's Day folks, just in case you want to know. But I'm not giving up! Am still anticipating a rain check celebration of the day of hearts. (hint! hint!)
This may be late but in appreciation, I'm still posting this cute tag. Giving Sheng a big Valentine Hug for this.
Here are some simple mechanics:
1. Post this tag in your blog (multiple blogs allowed) with these mechanics.
2. Don’t forget to use the widget linking the site.
3. Post a photo of anything that has the color red.
4. Include also a saying or quote related to LOVE or the LOVE MONTH.
5. Tag as many as you can and instruct them to get back to Arlene’s site to leave their url if they have joined.
There was no plan at all to celebrate daughter’s birthday. She was contented at home coz it was no work day and she was with her netbook and dvd’s. Thinking that we’re not going out to celebrate, I just cooked for her a little spaghetti and bought her a small birthday cake. She blew her candle and that’s it! Celebration is done. Or so I thought! I was wrong coz there was a call from Sil asking us to go out for dinner. She wants a combined celebration since she had just celebrated her birthday last Thursday, February 4. Daughter was more than glad agreeing to the idea. And so we headed to our usual dining place, the Emerald Restaurant in Roxas Blvd. Although far from our location, we all preferred that place for its good food. It was just us, her family and ours, though her's wasn't complete. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the food we ordered, like steamed Lapu-lapu, Shrimp salad, fried chicken, pancit canton, corn soup with quail eggs, beef with broccolli. and some I forgot the name. As we were about to finish eating, I remembered I have my camera with me but the food were almost gone. Anyway, I was able to catch a few.
I love roses that I can't help but post this.
This is half of the bouquet she received from
a friend. It was as if it's mine that I was the
one who arranged them on flower vases while
daughter is watching by.
Her little birthday cake.
The simple spaghetti.
The 2nd round of yang chow fried rice.
This' what has remained of the steamed lapu-lapu.
The other dishes were nowhere to be found, (lol!)
The two celebrants seemed to have enjoyed their birthday celebration. It is all what matters after all!
To all of you, have a great start of the week!
It’s good that this day, Saturday, February 6, 2010 hasn’t been over yet. I still have time to post this birthday greeting for my unica hija, Jaja as we fondly call her. I was supposed to post this last night but I had a visitor here in the house in the person of my SIL. We had a good talk that I’ve completely forgotten about the posting. I only saw today the bouquet of roses that was sent to her and only then was I reminded that it's already her birthday today. Anyway, I'm not late yet. Happy Birthday my dear dawtah!
Whenever in
The time that should have been exclusively spent to sympathizing with grieving relatives had some other beneficial affair. It's that once in a blue moon market shopping in
The delectable Day old chicks.
This needs deep frying and vinegar dip.
Wanna share?
I hope you are all enjoying the week. Thanks for dropping by!!
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